Finite rate pyrosim
Finite rate pyrosim

The overall computation can either be treated as a DNS, in which the dissipative terms are computed directly, or as an LES, in which the large-scale eddies are computed directly, and the subgrid-scale dissipative processes are modeled. The term Sjj is the symmetric rate-of-strain tensor, written using conventional tensor notation.pis the dynamic viscosity of the fluid. The stress tensor x^ is defined as follows: The force term f b in the momentum equation represents external forces such as the drag exerted by liquid droplets. The term V-pUU is, thus, a vector formed by applying the vector operator to the tensor. In matrix notation, the dyadic is given by the tensor product of the vectors u and u T. The momentum equation in conservative form is written as follows: However, transport equations are solved for total mass and all but one of the species, implying that the diffusion coefficient of the implicit species is chosen so that the sum of all the diffusive fluxes is zero. This last assertion is not true in general.

Finite rate pyrosim